R1234yf Refrigerant


Refrigerant HFO R1234yf is the new AC gas that is replacing R134a in new passenger cars. As of 1/1 2017, all new cars must have an AC gas with a GWP below 150, and R1234yf has a very low GWP (4).

Comes in EU certified reusable steel cylinders.

ADR Delivery to all EU countries available.

Price upon request

Note : we sell only in bulk.

*displayed price varies depending on volume. 


We sell exclusively to certified refrigerant companies in compliance to EU derectives.

Dangerous goods

Wide logistics network for transport of dangerous goods (ADR)


Certified EU cylinders according to Directive 2010/35/EU (TPED) & ADR/RID 2019

Benefits of R1234yf

  • Outstanding Performance 
  • Engineered for mobile air conditioning systems 
  • Cooling power and energy efficiency match R134a 
  • Suitable for any climate
  • Minimal Environmental Impact 
  • Meets the world’s most stringent environmental regulations 
  • GWP of just 4 – 99.7% less than R134a 
  • Zero ozone depletion potential 
  • Non-toxic


Chemical name2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene
Chemical formulaC3H2F4 (CH2CFCF3)
Molecular mass114.0 g/mol
Melting point (experimental)-152.24 °C
Boiling point (calculated)-29.4 °C
Boiling point (experimental)-28.3 °C
Flash point26°C
Critical temperature94.7 °C
Critical pressure33.81 bar
Critical Density475.55 kg/m3
Steam pressure at 21.1°C6.07 bar
Steam pressure at 54.4°C14.2 bar
Density at 25°C1100 kg/m3
Relative vapor density (air = 1)4
Solubility in water at 24°C0.1982 g/l
Temperature glide0 °C
ASHRAE safety classA2L
Lower flammability limit6.2% volume
Lower flammability limit12.3% volume
Auto-ignition temperature405 °C
Toxicity, limit value0.95 g/m3
Ozone Depletion Potential ODP0
Global Warming Potential GWP4
Compressor oil typePOE, PAG, PVE
Customer Compliance Notice

At Volmat® SIA, we pride ourselves on being a licensed supplier of R1234yf dedicated to environmental stewardship and strict legal compliance. We follow Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014, and our fluorinated greenhouse gases are sold legally. 

Our commitment empowers us to deliver eco-friendly cooling solutions such as Refrigerant R410A, which excel in safety and effectiveness compared to other market options. Rely on Volmat® SIA for cooling solutions combining high performance and environmental responsibility.

Contact us for a quote
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